Babelson Audio B-COMP

Babelson Audio B-COMPversatile stereo compressor, vintage and modern compression...


Babelson Audio BaB Drive

Babelson Audio BaB Driveanalog tape emulation, classic tubes, tonal shaping opti...


Babelson Audio BBCMP

Babelson Audio BBCMPmultiband compressor, unparalleled control, independent proc...


Babelson Audio BeComp

Babelson Audio BeComprevolutionary dynamics processor, compression, transformer-...


Babelson Audio BUNDLE

Babelson Audio BUNDLEaudio plugins, sonic possibilities, professional-sounding r...


Babelson Audio C-78

Babelson Audio C-78transparent compression, attack/recovery controls, wide range...


Babelson Audio DAW Regulator

Babelson Audio DAW RegulatorEffortless DAW maintenance, Wide range of compatibil...


Babelson Audio DelFeed

Babelson Audio DelFeed2000ms delay time, Infinite feedback, Super easy interface...


Babelson Audio FD2N

Babelson Audio FD2Ntube equalizer, audio shaping, warmth and fullness, harmonic ...


Babelson Audio H L S DRIVE

Babelson Audio H L S DRIVEwarmth, character, clean up, mixesH.L.S Drive is a pow...


Babelson Audio MODE 1976

Babelson Audio MODE 1976vintage vibes, audio effect plugin, classic flanger, vib...


Babelson Audio ProximaD

Babelson Audio ProximaDnatural-sounding chorus, unique delay times, super easy i...


Babelson Audio ROJBASH

Babelson Audio ROJBASHdepth and movement, intuitive tremolo and panning effects,...



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